
BB - Aphidius-Mix 750 (100 ml) with Buckwheat


Quantity Per Case: N/A

Quantity Per Pallet: N/A

Aphi-Mix-SystemAphidius colemaniAphidius matricariaeAphidius ervi and Aphelinus abdominalis
Aphidius colemani and Aphidius ervi  

Female Aphidius colemani wasps actively seek out aphid nymphs and adults by detecting plant odors and aphid honeydew. Using her ovipositor, the female injects an egg into the aphid, and as it hatches, the parasitoid larva consumes the aphid from within, ultimately leading to its death. The adult wasp then exits through a small, round hole in the back of the aphid “mummy.” Each female can lay up to 100 eggs, with most laid within the first four days of adulthood. The presence of these wasps often triggers a defensive response in aphids, causing them to drop from plants in a panic.

Key Features:

  • Controls a wide range of greenhouse aphid species, simplifying pest management
  • Effective for sensitive crops with diverse aphid populations
  • Performs well at low pest densities, ideal for preventive control
  • Compatible with other predators, such as Aphidoletes, lacewings, and ladybugs