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BotaniGard 22WP

Bioinsecticide for control of aphids, thrips, and whiteflies in greenhouse ornamentals, vegetables, herbs, strawberries, and cannabis and aphids in greenhouse wasabi.

  • Controls whiteflies, aphids, and thrips in greenhouse ornamentals, cannabis and vegetables
  • Use as a stand-alone or in rotation with other insecticides
  • Excellent resistance management tool due to its unique, non-site specific mode of action
  • 4-hr REI; 0-day pre-harvest interval

NOTE: It is not necessary for a white fungal growth to occur to know the product is working: the insect is killed before this happens. Use caution when making BotaniGard applications to open blooms, especially on varieties known to be sensitive. It is recommended that a small group of plants be tested for effects on open blooms before making applications to the whole crop.

Item # Description Size Quantity/case
10101 Botanigard WP 500 g 12
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